Oh yes, it’s showtime! Just a few more weeks til Carnival – we can’t wait! Now is the time of the most feverish rehearsals in the panyards, of the last tweaks on the costumes in the mas camps, the preliminary rounds of the various Monarch competitions (Calypso, Soca, Chutney…) and of rising excitement among all revellers.
We are proud to present you our first release of the 2011 Soca & Calypso season: “2011 Calypso Compilation – It’s Showtime” produced by MAJOR&minor Productions.
Every year the worldwide booming steeldrum scene is meeting for the Panorama in Port-of-Spain, the most important competition for virtuosos and fans of this beautiful instrument. The pan, invented in the Trinidadian Carnival during the 1930s during the prohibition to play drums, is nowadays known all around the globe. You can find steel orchestras even in Japan, Australia or Switzerland.
Usually the competitors of the Panorama, which is taking place during Trinidad Carnival, pick up current Soca and Calypso songs that will be arranged for steel pan orchestras with up to 100 or even more players.
The propably most popular and longest running compilation series with calypsos written esp. for the steel pan comes from MAJOR&minor Prod. and has been released by Faluma for many years.
Many Panorama titles are based on songs from these compilations.
With vocalists like Calypso Monarch Kurt Allen, soca diva Destra, songstresses Denyse Plummer and Lil Bits, furthermore the great Tony Prescott and Eunice Peters and many more, the music on our annual “Calypso Compilation” is rich in melodies, harmonies and arrangement. Pick up your piece of the real Caribbean Carnival.